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Operating ethically

Operating ethically and responsibly is essential to fulfilling our purpose, delivering on our strategy and achieving our aspiration of building strong, mutually beneficial and trusting relationships with our stakeholders. We respect human rights and apply responsible business practices across our value chain.

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

Respecting human rights and addressing the risks of modern slavery across our operations and supply chains is not only the right thing to do, it’s fundamental to the way we do business. We expect our people and our business partners to comply with lawful business practices and applicable South32 policies, standards, procedures and processes, as relevant to the work they are performing for us, including our approach to modern slavery. 

Our activities to manage the risk of modern slavery across our supply chain are provided in our annual Modern Slavery Statement in response to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Ethics and business integrity

Ethics and business integrity

We are committed to the highest standards of integrity and accountability. Our values and Code of Business Conductguide how we act, work and communicate.

Supported by our Speak Up Policy (our global whistleblower policy), we encourage our people to speak up when our values and standards of conduct are not being followed. 

Human rights

Human rights

Our commitment to respecting human rights is a vital part of our approach to sustainability, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it reflects our values and is critical to sustainable business practice. We manage human, environmental and security risks to protect people and safeguard their rights. 

Responsible value chain

Responsible value chain

We seek to apply responsible business practices throughout our value chain by sourcing responsibly and enhancing product stewardship. Our aim is to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders and to work with suppliers and customers whose values and conduct align with ours.

Cyber Security

Cyber security breaches are a material risk to our business. Our proactive approach includes identifying and assessing risks, and taking steps to reduce the likelihood and impacts of an incident.

Our Group-wide cyber security program is designed to uplift capability and reduce exposure to cyber threats through effective controls. The controls we implement are designed and operated in alignment with the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework, an international best practice standard for information security controls. Continuous monitoring and periodic reporting occur through pre-defined metrics that measure the performance of security controls.

We engage independent auditors annually to review the adequacy of our cyber security risk management system and information security controls. Critical cyber security controls are also periodically assessed through a comprehensive stewardship program.

Cyber security awareness training is mandatory for all employees and select contractors on joining South32 and annually thereafter. We provide additional targeted cyber security training to identified high-risk roles.

The Board’s Risk and Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing our management of the cyber security and reviewing the effectiveness of systems and processes for detecting, reporting and responding to cybersecurity and information loss risks. The Committee receives bi-annual reports on our information security risk management plan and control maturity levels. 

Key documents

Our stories

Helping small businesses thrive in South Africa

Helping small businesses thrive in South Africa

Our Hillside Aluminium team recently reopened their Enterprise and Supplier Development Centre, a facility that supports local small and medium sized businesses through mentoring, training and networking opportunities.

Hillside partners with Solana Energy to boost sustainable energy

Hillside partners with Solana Energy to boost sustainable energy

Our Hillside Aluminium operation has partnered with Solana Energy to bring sustainable energy to one of South Africa’s most important commercial hubs. 

HMM supports entrepreneurs to establish local manufacturing plant

HMM supports entrepreneurs to establish local manufacturing plant

Our work with SMMEs on Enterprise and Supplier Development supports economic and social transformation in South Africa.