We align with the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
The countries we operate in are members of the International Labour Organisation, and we respect international labour standards and seek to comply with local labour laws and regulations. This also includes local legislation relating to notification of significant operational change. We engage in collective labour negotiations where appropriate, working to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes.
We’re committed to respecting our people’s right to freedom of association, representation and collective bargaining. Where collective agreements specify further consultation obligations, we fulfil these commitments.
Our leaders work with our Human Resources team to ensure that all aspects of our employee relations are managed effectively and respectfully.
The way we engage with our employees and their representatives complies with all local commitments, regulation and legislation, as well as our values and Code of Business Conduct.
Together we continue to build an inclusive workplace where we hold ourselves and each other to account to demonstrate our values of care, trust, togetherness and excellence.
We do not tolerate any form of inappropriate conduct in our workplace. Our Code, values, Leadership Model and internal workplace conduct procedure clearly define expectations for workplace behaviours. Our Speak Up Policy encourages people to report unacceptable behaviour in the workplace and includes measures which seek to prevent any penalty for doing so. It provides mechanisms to report inappropriate conduct and internal procedures for conducting comprehensive investigations that are designed to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all parties. We regularly engage with our people about workplace conduct, using mechanisms such as the Your Voice survey, which allows us to identify common concerns.