22 NOVEMBER 2018
The initiative involved the whole workforce
Our Wessels operation in South Africa recently staged a significant five-week safety campaign.
The initiative – which culminated in a Health and Safety Day celebrating 100 injury free days – reflected on the themes "safety and health first, "always and every day" and "treating everyone with care, dignity and respect".
At its launch, Wessels Operations Manager Xolani Qamata took our people through a number of safety incidents which have occurred across the mining industry in South Africa as well as observing a moment’s silence in honour of those who have lost their lives.
The campaign then saw our people divided into teams which were taken out of production at selected times to review safety themes. The Health and Safety Day then gave the full workforce the chance to reflect on breakthrough 1 - We all guarantee everyone goes home safe and well.
Speaking at the event, Principal Inspector Tumelo Mateta and Inspector of Mines (Mining) Ntlahla Gwebane from the Department of Mineral Resources, emphasised the importance of adhering to identified controls.
He said: "Value the rules that you have before you have an accident because most people only see the value of something, once it is gone.
“The controls are there because of learnings from previous incidents.”
