13 JULY 2017
We’re bringing the mussels back to the Hotham River
For many thousands of years, the Noongar people of Australia’s South West harvested freshwater mussels from the Hotham River. And today we’re working with the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council, Friends of the Reserves Boddington (Inc.) and the Shire of Boddington to help bring the mussels back.
We’re all coming together to restore water quality and the ecosystem in Tunbridge Gully, and protect the biodiversity and ecology of the Gully and the Hotham River.
This will involve removing an aggressive weed species and reintroducing freshwater mussels to the river. It begins with Boddington’s community, land managers and the Noongar community completing weed surveys and mapping, followed by the removal of invasive weeds and replacing them with native seedlings. It’s an important project, but we’re sure the taste of success will be especially sweet.