15 NOVEMBER 2024
The safe management of waste from our operations and projects is essential to operating responsibly and we are committed to minimising impacts to our people, communities and the environment. We apply the waste mitigation hierarchy that aims to limit waste production and prioritises waste prevention, followed by minimisation, reuse, recycle, recovery and safe disposal.
At Mozal Aluminium in Mozambique, the team continually pursue waste management opportunities and initiatives that contribute towards a circular economy, reduce our environmental footprint, create social and economic benefits for the local community and unlock value for the business.
In FY24, Mozal Aluminium recycled 89 tonnes of plastic, an increase of 55 per cent from the previous year. We also sell used plastics to a local small business which recycles them into plastic buckets and other products.
The smelter also recycled 487 tonnes of wood in FY24, a 25 per cent increase from FY23, and 69 tonnes of tyres, a 9 per cent increase from FY23. Wood waste, including pallets, timber and off-cuts, is donated along with tyres from light vehicles and trucks that have been recycled for use as building materials in the local community. Refractory bricks are also repurposed for use as paving around the operation and for outdoor uses in the local community, with the bricks more durable than bitumen or asphalt.
Oil that has been used at Mozal Aluminium can either be reused or recycled to create other lubricants. The used oil is sold on to a company that produces lubricants to be used in industrial machinery.
We are exploring opportunities to apply learnings on waste management practices from Mozal Aluminium across our operations and projects.