05 APRIL 2023
South32 has donated $US700,000 to support the flood response and recover efforts in southern Mozambique.
The donation has been provided to international aid organisation Caritas, which is working to provide disaster relief in Mozambique following widespread flooding from intense rainfall from Tropical Cyclone Freddy.
People in communities near our Mozal Aluminium smelter have been severely impacted, with approximately 6,000 hectares of agricultural land and more than 7,000 homes flooded. Many of those impacted by the floods make their livelihoods from farming and agricultural activities.
Our donation to Caritas will provide about 3,900 agricultural kits, including farming tools, implements, and 12,600 seed kits to help restore the livelihoods of those living in the Boane, Namaacha and Moamba districts of southern Mozambique. The donation will also provide food for 1,000 vulnerable local families.
Chief Operating Officer Noel Pillay said “Our thoughts continue to be with those across Mozambique and Madagascar who have been impacted by Tropical Cyclone Freddy.
“We’re thankful for the agencies and non-government organisations providing disaster relief and supporting recovery efforts. Our donation will help to support the longer-term recovery from the flooding by helping to restore farming and agricultural livelihoods.”