13 AUGUST 2020
Speech by CFO Katie Tovich at Diggers & Dealers 2020
On Monday 12 October 2020, Our Chief Financial Officer, Katie Tovich, presented to the Diggers & Dealers Mining Forum in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Katie spoke about how we’re responding to COVID-19 and the progress we’ve made in reshaping and improving our portfolio.
"While this year has had its ups and downs, mostly due to the challenges presented by COVID-19, we ended FY20 with our operations performing well, a strong balance sheet, a pathway to exit our lower returning businesses, and with progress made on our development options," Katie said.
"As we continue to navigate a period of potentially extended market volatility, we’re focusing on keeping our people safe and well, sustainably improving our operating performance and reshaping and improving our portfolio, all of which is underpinned by a strong balance sheet and capital discipline that together will create value for all of our stakeholders."
Read Katie's full speech here.