While we do not own any ships or employ any seafarers, we depend on maritime transport for delivery of supplies to our operations and our commodities to customers.
We continued to embed our enhanced due diligence program which aims to improve
the identification and management of modern slavery risks across our maritime
supply chain. The program includes vetting, audits and physical inspections
conducted by South32, to identify potential red flags for non-compliance to the
Maritime Labour Convention, with a specific focus on crew welfare.
We also participate in maritime-focused human rights initiatives and industry groups, including the Mission to Seafarers which operates the Seafarers Happiness Index, a quarterly survey that measures the satisfaction levels of seafarers across various aspects of their life and work at sea. In FY24, we collaborated with the Mission to conduct a survey for vessels that we charter, offering insights into the challenges facing these seafarers. We are using these results to identify and discuss improvement opportunities with vessel owners and operators, and in FY25 we plan to undertake the survey each quarter to provide a richer dataset and ongoing feedback loop.
In August 2024 we joined the Sea Cargo Charter, a global initiative that provides a framework promoting the disclosure of fuel use data, greenhouse gas emissions and climate alignment by charterers.
Learn more in our Modern Slavery Statement.