13 JULY 2017
Our winning women get on with the job
One facet of our commitment to creating more inclusive workplaces is encouraging the women who work with us to seek and enjoy recognition for their pioneering efforts. And there’s no better time for that to happen than on International Women's Day. On the day in 2017, a number of our women were recognised for their contributions and excellence in the mining and resources sector.
Cannington engineer Harriet Schuyler was presented with a Highly Commended award in the 2017 Queensland Resources Awards for Women held on the day in Brisbane. Harriet was one of five finalists in the Exceptional Young Women in Queensland Resources category.
These awards play an important role in recognising leading women and diversity champions in our industry, as well as providing role models and ambassadors for our sector.
In Western Australia, the women in our Boddington Bauxite Mine's Gender Diversity in Drilling programme were finalists in the Women in Resources Awards at the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia, also held on International Women's Day. Aimed at boosting diversity at our Boddington Bauxite Mine, the programme looked at ways to modify our work practices and tools in drilling activities to be more accommodating and inclusive for people of different stature and build. Our first female drill crew - Naomi Cuffe and Lilibeth Terblanche, took the reins of one of three new drill rigs in October 2016.
Congratulations to Harriet and to our Boddington Drilling team on your recognition and excellence at our operations.