12 NOVEMBER 2018
We support the global fight against HIV and TB.
In South Africa, the TB epidemic is directly linked to HIV incidence and prevalence.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports an estimated TB prevalence of 781 in 100,000 people or approximately 0.8 per cent*.
South Africa has the highest number of HIV-associated TB cases in the world and has a HIV prevalence of 12.8 per cent of the population**.
To respond to the dual epidemics, South Africa developed an integrated National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS, TB and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and adopted targets set by the United Nations AIDS committee, UNAIDS.
South32, through its membership of the Minerals Council South Africa, supports the global fight against HIV and TB through the “Masoyise iTB” initiative.
The South32 HIV and TB program aims to:
■ Promote HIV and TB counselling, testing and condom distribution
■ Include HIV and TB screening as part of our medical surveillance program
■ Provide preventative treatment for TB for people living with HIV
■ Improve stakeholder relationships between occupational health and other service providers to share information on HIV/AIDS programs’ intakes and successes
Our HIV and TB program is well entrenched as part of the occupational health processes. Statistical data indicates that the HIV and TB prevalence rates at our mining operations in South Africa are well below national rates. Indicators show the South32 HIV rate is 2.61 per cent compared to the 12.8 per cent reported nationally, while the TB rate is 0.32 per cent compared to 0.8 per cent reported nationally.
*WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2017.
**South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022.