03 JULY 2019
We aim to create a workplace where our work is well-designed
As part of our commitment to the health and safety of our employees, we aim to create a workplace where we continuously improve our systems and processes and work is well-designed.
At Hillside Aluminium in South Africa, our health and safety team conduct and review heat stress surveys during the Summer months to help them manage potential exposures to heat.
Monitoring individuals and groups before, during and after their shifts, the surveys seek to understand the individual, the task being performed and how the task is carried out.
This enables our teams to challenge work methods, implement change where required and provide education and training to work teams – something which helps us re-enforce positive, safety-aware behaviours.
In FY19, a study of specific work tasks identified activities that could potentially expose workers to a high heat environment.
To assist with the elimination of this risk, a multi-stakeholder group redesigned the work resulting in engineering and maintenance improvements, and the removal of people from the heat exposure.