29 MARCH 2023
Our Hillside Aluminium recently donated beds, mattresses and bedding to youth care and children’s safety centres in Richards Bay, South Africa, to help children going through a tough time.
The Ikhayalethu Child and Youth Care Centre and Ngwelezane Place of Safety are non-profit organisations that provide housing and a safe place for vulnerable children in the Brackenham and Empangeni districts.
The donations from the Hillside team were made through the Department of Social Development and will benefit 14 centres, as part of our commitment to investing in the health and social wellbeing of our communities. The Hillside team volunteered to help distribute the supplies and the staff and children at the centres were thrilled when the trucks arrived.
Kreshona Maharaj, Administrator Data Capture, who volunteered on the day said: “Giving back to the community is so important and working with colleagues on this project is one of the reasons I enjoy working at Hillside. We can all make a difference if we work together.”
Learn more about how we make a difference in the communities in which we operate, in our 2022 Sustainable Development Report.