14 AUGUST 2020
Hotazel Manganese Mines is providing access to education
Quality education is the foundation of economic and social prosperity and supports the development of emerging and future community leaders.
An education program supported by our Hotazel Manganese Mines (HMM) has helped local students become ‘star’ pupils.
HMM partnered with the Sector Education Trust, the Department of Education and Joe Morolong Municipality on the Star Schools project, aimed at improving high school students’ performance in English, maths and physical sciences. Students were also offered career guidance and support to apply for post-school opportunities.
The communities around HMM typically have low literacy levels and only 15 per cent have completed any type of post-school qualification. Projects like Star Schools gives students the foundation to rise out of poverty and lower socio-economic conditions.
The project has seen some impressive results, including a 100 per cent pass rate for one of the groups, and a 98 per cent pass rate for those students taking their grade 12 exams.
Next year the program will continue to focus on improving student results, as well as the professional development of teachers in the community.