12 APRIL 2023
Late in 2022, we met our first cohort of students through MADALAH, a not-for profit organisation we partner with to support Indigenous university students.
Amongst them was Flynn Bailey, a talented student studying Civil Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Western Australia (UWA).
Fast forward a few months, and not only has Flynn completed our vacation program, he’s also now an employee.
We partner with MADALAH each year to award tertiary scholarships for disciplines needed in the mining industry – engineering, geology, chemistry and law. The partnership aligns closely with our Reconciliation Action Plan commitment to deliver education, training and career pathway opportunities for Indigenous peoples, with scholarships covering tuition and expenses for students from communities near our Worsley Alumina operation and Perth office.
Flynn, a MADALAH scholarship recipient, was quick to jump at the offer of vacation work with us, spending time at both Worsley Alumina and with the Major Projects team in Perth during his recent summer break.
Flynn enjoyed the program so much he accepted a role with us and is now working as a part-time coordinator with the Major Projects team while he completes his studies at UWA.
Flynn said he was thrilled at the opportunity.
“The MADALAH tertiary scholarship has taken the financial stresses of university off my mind and allowed me to perform at my absolute best – achieving some good results for the year.
South32 is an amazing workplace with amazing people – working with anyone from an engineer to a member of Human Resources,” he said.
Congratulations Flynn and welcome to South32!