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Driving transparency at Cerro Matoso


We signed a cooperation agreement that establishes how we’ll work together in the future.

Alongside seven communities from the local area near Cerro Matoso, we signed a cooperation agreement that establishes how we’ll work together in the future. In particular, it advocates for open and transparent communication around Cerro Matoso’s environmental licence and community investment program. 

The agreement involves the Community Council of Black Communities from Boca de Uré and the Community Action Boards from Centro America, La Odisea, Torno Rojo, La Estrella, Boca de Uré, and Puerto Colombia. To mark the occasion, it was signed at an event called ‘Social Dialogue: Reaffirming Commitment to the Region’s Social and Sustainable Development.’

We’ve invested funds with the community organisations involved, to manage resources autonomously and independently, and to strengthen knowledge of the region and the relationship we have with the people living there.