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Championing Inclusion

01 JANUARY 2023

This year South32 Worsley Alumina presented the inaugural Worsley Inclusion Awards (WIN). These Awards recognised people in our business who are going above and beyond to create an inclusive work environment for all. Today we're pleased to share WIN Award Nominee Shane Pascoe's story.

Promoting an inclusive workforce is something Shane has always championed throughout his time as Production Coordinator in Raw Materials.

In previous roles he worked in a 50-50 male/female workforce until joining Worsley in 2003, Shane has always enjoyed the culture and working environment of a inclusive workforce.

“The workplace is always more enjoyable and the atmosphere always better with a balance of men and women,” Shane said.

“There are certain traits that both genders have and if you’ve only got half of the demographic then you’re only getting half the results.

“We’ve always tried to achieve a balance by employing more females in Raw Materials and really welcomed the initiative by management to achieve the 40:40:20 ratio by 2027.”

Since January this year, Shane has employed seven females as casuals and two have recently been made permanent employees.

As part of this, Shane, with the support of his Superintendent Ibrahim Qureshi, has introduced an improved onboarding process.

“In the past, labour hire personnel did an induction, spent a day being shown around and then started work, learning on the fly, so I changed this to give them as much help and exposure as I could to set them up with the best possible chance of success.”


Pictured above: WIN Award Nominee Shane Pascoe.

Shane works with South West Personnel to short list candidates and as part of their interview, takes them on a tour of site which includes a meeting with Ibrahim, giving both parties an opportunity to decide if the role is a good fit.

Successful candidates are then offered three month casual positions with the opportunity to be made permanent.

Shane contacts new starters before they come on site and following their induction, introduces them to their new crew, takes them to L2 meetings to meet supervisors and superintendents, arranges a meeting with the Area manager who explains the business and organises a training plan. He then regularly meets with them to ensure there are no issues.

“This works well for everyone because they appreciate being able to come up to speed before starting work and shift supervisors appreciate having new starters who are ready to go.

“As they progress through the three month trial, it gives other operators and supervisors the opportunity to give feedback on a person, which ensures we get the best person for the job when we want to make someone permanent.”
