26 MARCH 2019
Hermosa’s Central Deposit renamed in honour of Don Clark
We're pleased to announce the renaming of a major mineral deposit located at our Hermosa project, in honour of the man who played a critical role in its early development, Donald Clark.
Under the plans, the ‘Central’ deposit will now be renamed the ‘Clark’ deposit recognising the project’s former President and Chief Executive Donald ‘Don’ Clark, who died in 2014.
Our Chief Development Officer Simon Collins said: “Don played a pivotal role in establishing a greater understanding of the mineral endowment at Hermosa and his involvement should rightly be remembered. I am pleased that we are able to recognise Don’s significant contribution in this way and ensure that his legacy and memory lives on through our work.
“Going forward, Hermosa will comprise two namesake deposits, Clark and Taylor, named after the former Chief Operating Officer of Arizona Mining, Don Taylor.”
Mr Clark served as the Chief Executive Officer of Wildcat Silver Corporation – the mineral exploration company which became Arizona Mining Inc. – between 2006 and 2008. He also held the roles of Chief Financial Officer and Interim President and served on the company’s Board of Directors until October 2013. The decision to honour Mr Clark’s memory has been welcomed by his family.
Mr Clark’s son, Greg, said: “My father was quite a private man, he wasn’t someone who would toot his own horn so I think he would be very humbled by this gesture. My mother was really moved when she heard there was a possibility of this happening. Through this, his name will live on and there will be ongoing recognition of his work.”
In August 2018, we completed the acquisition of Arizona Mining Inc to add the Hermosa project to our global portfolio.
Hermosa contains the high-grade base metals Taylor deposit, the Central zinc, manganese and silver oxide resource - which will be renamed the Clark deposit - as well as an extensive, highly prospective land package with potential for discovery of polymetallic and copper mineralisation.
Work recently started on Hermosa’s twin exploration declines which will allow drilling to test extensions and enhance understanding of the project's existing high-grade resource.
The milestone comes as we work towards further optimization of the project’s design and development.
Under the plans, the ‘Central’ deposit will now be renamed the ‘Clark’ deposit recognising the project’s former President and Chief Executive Donald ‘Don’ Clark, who died in 2014.
Our Chief Development Officer Simon Collins said: “Don played a pivotal role in establishing a greater understanding of the mineral endowment at Hermosa and his involvement should rightly be remembered. I am pleased that we are able to recognise Don’s significant contribution in this way and ensure that his legacy and memory lives on through our work.
“Going forward, Hermosa will comprise two namesake deposits, Clark and Taylor, named after the former Chief Operating Officer of Arizona Mining, Don Taylor.”
Mr Clark served as the Chief Executive Officer of Wildcat Silver Corporation – the mineral exploration company which became Arizona Mining Inc. – between 2006 and 2008. He also held the roles of Chief Financial Officer and Interim President and served on the company’s Board of Directors until October 2013. The decision to honour Mr Clark’s memory has been welcomed by his family.
Mr Clark’s son, Greg, said: “My father was quite a private man, he wasn’t someone who would toot his own horn so I think he would be very humbled by this gesture. My mother was really moved when she heard there was a possibility of this happening. Through this, his name will live on and there will be ongoing recognition of his work.”
In August 2018, we completed the acquisition of Arizona Mining Inc to add the Hermosa project to our global portfolio.
Hermosa contains the high-grade base metals Taylor deposit, the Central zinc, manganese and silver oxide resource - which will be renamed the Clark deposit - as well as an extensive, highly prospective land package with potential for discovery of polymetallic and copper mineralisation.
Work recently started on Hermosa’s twin exploration declines which will allow drilling to test extensions and enhance understanding of the project's existing high-grade resource.
The milestone comes as we work towards further optimization of the project’s design and development.

Donald Clark played a critical role in the Hermosa project's early development.