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Cannington’s Indigenous work experience programs

18 OCTOBER 2024

Work experience programs provide young Indigenous people entry level experience that could lead to a future career in mining.

We have worked with Western Labour Hire and other Indigenous organisations to meet our commitment to grow our Indigenous employment and procurement through the Indigenous Work Experience Program at our Cannington operation which was launched in 2017. The program provides local Indigenous people with the opportunity to gain 12 months of paid employment, industry training, and valuable on-the-job work experience. Six years later, 12 participants have taken part in the program with seven commencing work at South32 and two going on to full time employment with other organisations.

To expand our Indigenous work experience offering at Cannington, in 2022 we introduced a Careers Experience Day. Scholarship students from the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF) were invited to visit the operation and learn about the many pathways to employment in the mining industry. The students are flown to Cannington and receive a tour of the workshops, warehouses, and processing facilities. They are also given the opportunity to go underground to see our mining operations.

Following the success of the first Careers Experience Day, we have committed to make this an annual visit.

South32 has been a proud supporter of AIEF since 2020, helping Indigenous students gain access to schooling, complete high school, and develop skills for a successful transition to employment
