19 MAY 2022
Teams from mining operations across Australia came together to test their skills in the field
Congratulations to our Cannington operation’s Emergency Response Team (ERT), who were named ‘Best Overall Team’ at the Minerals Council of Australia’s Northern Australian Emergency Response Competition in Darwin, Northern Territory.
ERTs from six mining operations across Australia came together to test their skills in the field through simulated emergency situations. Participating teams were tested on firefighting, breathing apparatus, road accident, first aid, hazardous chemical and rope skills.
As well as achieving the highest accolade, the Cannington ERT was also awarded ‘Best Breathing Apparatus skills’. Rachel Dixon, Superintendent Operation Services, was presented with the ‘Best Team Captain’ award.
The ERT is critical to maintaining safe and reliable operations at our Cannington Mine, as they respond in the event of an emergency on site and protect the health and safety of our people at our Cannington Mine and in the surrounding communities.
Learn more on the Minerals Council of Australia website.