10 AUGUST 2016
There’s a bright future on the horizon for the young people living in rural communities
Quality education is the foundation of economic and social prosperity and supports the development of emerging and future community leaders.
There’s a bright future on the horizon for the young people living in rural communities around our Cerro Matoso operation, thanks to a CMSA Foundation scholarship program which provides a pathway to university and college.
High school graduates from Indigenous and Afro Colombian communities traditionally haven’t had access to higher education. In 2014 the scholarship program was launched to address this need, helping to prepare students for the national university admissions test (prueba saber) and providing mentoring support for the transition to university life and city living.
Of the 104 program beneficiaries, 30 have completed their studies, including 13 bachelor’s degrees and 17 technical degrees. To date, more than 85% of students have successfully passed their studies.
The scholarship program leaves an important legacy for Cerro Matoso in the region and has been so successful it’s been extended to help younger students complete their studies.
Tatiana Taborda is a scholarship program success story and demonstrates the potential for participants to become future leaders. She’s successfully completed her studies in Communication and Corporate Relations and has recently become president of the Community Council of Black Communities of Bocas de Uré.
She said Cerro Matoso had become like family to her, with the program achieving great results in helping young people to embark on a new life and new challenges.