29 AUGUST 2018
Tackling the lack of education facilities.
Our Mozal operation in Mozambique has taken steps to tackle the lack of education facilities in the local area and help reduce the number of students who are forced to study outside.
Built in 2005 to reduce the distance local children had to travel, Chibaulana Primary School in the Matola District has just five classrooms to support around 500 students.
The situation mirrors a wider trend where a lack of infrastructure in the local community has resulted in overcrowding and hundreds of school classes being taught outside.
Now, our Mozal operation has committed to the construction of five new classrooms as well as undertaking improvements to the existing building and its water supply system.
Anastácia Rita Quitane, Matola District Administrator, said: “We are grateful because the construction of more classrooms will create a social well-being and better conditions for the teaching and learning process.”
Once established, the new facility will expand the school’s capacity to teach older children as well as reducing the distance that students are required to travel to get to school.
A ceremony marking the laying of the foundation stone for the new classrooms was attended by students, teachers and local leaders and community members including Matola District Administrator, Anastácia Rita Quitane.
Over the years, our Mozal operation has helped build a total of 12 new schools in Mozambique, including two secondary schools and a technical institute.